How are your “workouts “or as we say @ the studio, your “workins ” going ?
I have been wellness coaching clients for 12 years now & can tell you, there are many successful approaches to health & wellness. There are many ways to transform your energy, raise your vibration, and transmute old patterns & beliefs that no longer fit in your wellness picture. The first step can seem overwhelming and may stop you before you begin. Our Subconscious and Ego work hard to keep us comfortable, even when we need to move beyond comfort. I am outlining 5 simple steps that you can apply today .
Simple ways to raise your vibration:
1) Be Vigilant on What You Take In
Make nourishing food choices for the season & your individual body needs. Avoid processed foods, simple sugars & simple carbohydrates. Choose to take in media that is edifying and surround yourself with positive people. Go Outside as often as possible.
2) Prioritize Sleep
Quality sleep is necessary for restoration of the body & mind. Your sleep follows a pattern. Begin tonight to intentionally set a sleep pattern. Pick your bedtime, ideally no later than 10pm. Set your routine, and love it .
3) Keep Moving
Physical activity, even for just a few minutes, helps us manage our moods & stress.
4) Meditate
There are many forms of meditation & they offer a multitude of benefits. Give mantra practice a try. Mantra is an exercise for the mind and is just as important as physical exercise is for the body. Try active meditation @ the studio in our Guided Meditation class.
5) Take Care of Yourself
Clean up your spaces, take the time for a good book, relax with a salt & lavender bath, schedule time for freedom, make your favorite recipes, invest extra funds in an account for the future, and spend time with your favorite people.
Living a life of higher vibrations, love & gratitude Is Our Best Life.